Illustrations A still life painted in Photoshop, Digital, July 2020A digital still life paintingA Molotov Cocktail sticker design, Digital, August 2020.A hand clutching a Molotov CocktailA snake sticker design for a client, Digital, August 2020.An S shaped snake stickerA Sabertooth Tiger, Digital, September 2020.A snarling sabertooth tigerDrummerboy and his dinosaur, digital, September 2020.A drummerboy riding a dinosaurT-Shirt design for Crossfit WheelhouseIllustration of a building, T-shirt design, Digital September 2020.A Depiction of a warehouse for a T-0shirt design A skull with a moustache and a suave haircut!A skull with a moustache and a suave haircut!A painting of a Tyrannosaurus head, acrylic. 2017Tyrannosaurus Rex head paintingA tombstone with an 86'd on it, some restaurant industry humor.A tombstone with 86 on it